How to Make Herbal Decoctions
Decoction is an uncommon word that doesn’t get a lot of use outside of herbalism spaces. Although it may sound difficult to do, decocting herbs is quite similar to making a tea.
If you are using herbs that are dense, such as seeds, berries, bark, and roots, a decoction is a great preparation method. For lighter herbs such as leaves and flowers, an infusion may be a better option. Follow this link to learn how to make an herbal infused tea.
For your decoction, 1-2 tsp of dried herbs per 250ml of water is suggested.
Put your herbs and water in a pot on the stove with the heat on low. Bring the herbs to just below simmering and keep them there for at least 15-30 minutes. Some decoctions can go for as long as several hours, however you may need to increase the amount of water used and decrease the amount you consume, as this would be quite potent.
Once your herbs have been heated for 15-30 minutes, strain them through a tea strainer. Allow the liquid to cool before consuming. Herbal decoctions can be made in large batches and stored sealed in the fridge for several days. If you plan to do this, we suggest portioning your decoction into sealed glass jars full of your desired dosage. Shake before consuming as some sediment may occur.