Mullein Leaf (Organic)

Mullein Leaf (Organic)

from CA$3.99

Common Name

Mullein, Aaron’s Rod

Latin Name

Verbascum spp.



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What Is Mullein Leaf?

Mullein is a plant that is native to northern Africa, the Canary and Madeira Islands, Asia, and Europe. It has been used since at least 1st century Rome, where it was mentioned in the writings of Dioscorides, a Greek physician, pharmacologist, and botanist. Mullein leaf is commonly used as an herbal remedy for lung complaints. When prepared as a tea, mullein leaf is good for removing mucus from the lungs and soothing irritation. It works well both on its own and when combined with other herbs.

How to Use Mullein Leaf (Common Uses)

Mullein leaf can be used for healing in a variety of ways. It can be prepared for internal consumption as a tea, powder, capsules, or extract. For most people, mullein leaf tea is safe to drink every day.

Mullein leaf can be applied externally. It is often prepared as an herbal infused oil or wash.

It is safe to smoke mullein leaf. It is a good base for smoking blends made with traditional anxiety-relieving herbs such as catnip and lavender.

Visit our herbal blog for more ideas about what mullein leaf is good for.

Medicinal Uses and Benefits of Mullein Leaf

In herbal medicine, mullein leaf is used for cleaning and healing the lungs, expelling mucus, and relaxing the respiratory system.

It works well in cases of dry, hoarse coughs, or wet, productive coughs with thick mucus. Mullein is a popular herb for people with respiratory infections, who may use it in combination with other antibacterial and antiviral herbs.

Smokers and people with COPD may use mullein tea to help relieve inflammation. The benefits of drinking mullein leaf tea daily can be felt with it is used over both the short and long-term.

Mullein is not commonly used for anxiety, despite it having a relaxing effect on the bronchial muscles. Although it is high is mucilage, which can help soothe the throat and lungs, mullein leaf is not a commonly used herb for gut health.

Some herbalists recommend combining mullein with milk when taking it internally, although this will depend on the ability of the individual to digest dairy.

When it is used externally, mullein can be highly effective for a variety of issues, including ear infections and eczema (especially around the ear).

Mullein is a popular ingredient in smoking blends and is often used to ease the harshness of other herbs. While mullein is supportive for the lungs, any type of smoking can be detrimental to health. We think that the best way to use mullein leaf for the lungs is to drink it as a tea, as this avoids some the bad effects of combustion and inhalation.

Active Constituents in Mullein Leaf

Mucilage, flavonoids, saponins, tannins.

Notable Facts About Mullein Leaf

Mullein has been used in folk practices to ward off evil spirits, instill courage and health, provide protection, and attract love and fertility. 

Adverse effects from consuming too much mullein leaf tea have not been recorded in herbal literature. Mullein does not adversely affect the liver, kidneys, or gut health. We recommend talking to your healthcare provider if you are currently taking any drugs or medications that mullein leaf may interact with.