Oat Straw (Organic)

Oat Straw (Organic)

from CA$5.99

Common Name

Oat Straw, Oatstraw

Latin Name

Avena sativa



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What Is Oat Straw?

Avena sativa is a grass that matures into both the oats that are used to make oatmeal, and the medicinal milky oat seed. Oat straw refers to the entire aerial part of the Avena sativa plant. Although oat straw is generally considered gluten free, we recommend exercising caution if you are celiac or sensitive to gluten, as gluten is often present during the harvesting and processing of oat straw, and cross contamination could occur.

How to Use Oat Straw (Common Uses)

Oat straw can be taken internally as a tea, powder, capsules, or extract.

Medicinal Uses and Benefits of Oat Straw

Oat straw is a gentle herb that provides the most benefits when taken over a long period of time. Oat straw tea is safe to drink every day. It has a restorative effect on the nervous system, helping to increase energy and stamina. It is especially indicated for burn out and nervous exhaustion where depression is also present. Oat straw is extremely high in nutrients, including silica, vitamin E, and minerals, which are especially needed during times of high stress.

Out of all of the grain species, oat straw has the highest levels of iron, zinc, and manganese. Aside from providing benefits as an ingredient in adaptogen formulas, such as our Anti-Stress Tea, oat straw also works well in herbal formulas for tissue support. It can be found as an ingredient in herbal remedies intended for strengthen bones, muscles, and tendons, as well as helping athletes to recover from injury.

Active Constituents in Oat Straw

Mucilage, avenacosides, sterols, proteins, indole alkaloids, vitamin E, vitamin B, minerals, antioxidants, flavonoids.