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Zhi Herbals

Tribulus/Puncture Vine (Organic)

Tribulus/Puncture Vine (Organic)

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Common Name

Tribulus, Puncture Vine

Latin Name

Tribulus terrestris



What Is Tribulus?

Tribulus, also called puncture vine, is a medicinal plant that can be found growing in many places, including North and South America, Africa, Asia, Australia, and the Middle East. It works well both on its own and when combined with other herbs. 

How to Use Tribulus (Common Uses)

Taken internally as a tea, decoction, capsules, or extract. 

Medicinal Uses and Benefits of Tribulus

Tribulus has been used medicinally for urinary tract infections, edema, reproductive issues, and low testosterone.

Active Constituents in Tribulus

Dioscin, protodioscin, diosgenin.

Notable Facts About Tribulus

Tribulus spikes are sharp enough to puncture bicycle tires, and in South Africa they have been coated with poison and used to commit homicide.

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