Lotus Petals White
Lotus Petals White
Common Name
White Lotus, Sacred Water Lotus, East Indian Lotus, Indian Lotus
Latin Name
Nelumbo nucifera
What Is White Lotus?
Lotus is often confused with water lily, and although the plants are often sold interchangeably, it is important to know the difference. The pink and white lotus that we offer are true lotus plants. Our red and blue lotus are in the water lily family, although they are often referred to as lotus and used as such. Most plants referred to as lotus will have a similar effect, with only subtle differences between them. Our white lotus is sustainably sourced from India.
How to Use White Lotus (Common Uses)
Lotus can be taken internally as a tea, powder, capsules, or extract. It can also be smoked. Lotus is effective both on its own and when combined with other herbs.
Medicinal Uses and Benefits of White Lotus
White lotus has gentle consciousness altering effects. It is believed to help promote feelings of peace and to relieve physical pains. It is gently warming and euphoric, and can help to enhance meditation and promote the feeling of grounding.
Active Constituents in White Lotus
Nuciferin, nerenyuferin, romerin.
Notable Facts About White Lotus
White lotus is highly regarded in many Buddhist, Hindu, and Egyptian religions for its gentle mind altering effects, and as promoter of prosperity and fertility. It is Vietnam’s unofficial national flower and is considered a symbol of beauty and perfection.