Herbal Gummy Bear Recipe (Damiana, Mugwort, Green Tea)


These adorable honey gummy bears contain damiana, mugwort, and green tea. They have a bright, unique, floral flavor and are quick and easy to make.

You will need the following ingredients:


3/4 cup water

1 ½ tsp damiana

½ tsp green tea

¼ tsp mugwort

2 1/2 tbsp gelatin

2 tbsp honey

¼ tsp salt

Gummy bear mold


In a medium saucepan over low heat, add water, damiana, mugwort, and green tea. Heat until just below simmering, and then turn off element. Allow herbs to infuse for 10-15 minutes and then strain. You should have approx. ½ cup of infused liquid. Add your liquid back into the saucepan and over low heat stir in gelatin, honey, and salt. Once it is evenly combined, pour your liquid into the gummy molds and allow to set for several hours, or as long as overnight. Remove from molds and enjoy!

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