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Zhi Herbals

Blessed Thistle Herb (Organic)

Blessed Thistle Herb (Organic)

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Common Name

Blessed Thistle, Holy Thistle, Saint Benedict Thistle, Spotted Thistle, Bitter Thistle, Blessed Cardus

Latin Name

Cnicus benedictus



What Is Blessed Thistle?

Blessed thistle is a small annual thistle that can primarily be found growing in Europe. It is a relative to mugwort and chamomile, and although it is lesser known, blessed thistle has a long history of use in herbal medicine. It is commonly used as an herb for digestive issues and increasing breast milk.

How to Use Blessed Thistle (Common Uses)

Taken internally as a powder, tea, capsules, or as an extract. For more tips on how to use blessed thistle, visit our herbal blog.

Medicinal Uses and Benefits of Blessed Thistle

The cnicin found in blessed thistle has antibacterial benefits. It also provides a bitter flavor, stimulating the taste buds and increasing saliva, appetite, nutrient absorption, and digestive juices.

Blessed thistle is a galactagogue herb, and can be used to help stimulate or increase milk production for breastfeeding mothers.

Additionally, blessed thistle may also be beneficial for gas, bloating, and constipation. When used for this purpose, it is often combined with orange peel, angelica root, and dandelion root.

Active Constituents in Blessed Thistle

Sesquiterpene lactones (cnicin), salonitenolide, lignan lactones (lignanalides), trachelogenin, arctigenin, nortracheloside, tannins, potassium, magnesium, calcium, manganese, flavonoids, volatile oils.

Notable Facts About Blessed Thistle

Blessed thistle has historically been cultivated in monastery gardens for use as a universal remedy. The Latin name ‘Benedictus’ translates to ‘blessed’ or ‘blessed person’.

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