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Zhi Herbals

Pau D'Arco Bark Powder (Wildcrafted)

Pau D'Arco Bark Powder (Wildcrafted)

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Common Name

Pau d’arco, Ipe Roxo, Lapacho, Taheebo

Latin Name

Tabebuia imptiginosa, Tabebuia avellanedae, Tabebuia heptaphylla, Tecoma impetiginosa



What Is Pau D’Arco Bark Powder?

Pau d’arco is a medicinal plant native to South America. It is most commonly found in Brazil and Argentina. Pau d’arco has a long history of traditional use by the Inca Peoples. At Zhi Herbals, we bring our pau d’arco bark to Canada from Brazil, where it is sustainably wildcrafted. We offer the inner bark only.

How to Use Pau D’Arco Bark Powder (Common Uses)

Pau d’arco works well both on its own and when combined with other herbs. It can be taken internally as a tea, decoction, powder, capsules, or extract, and can also be used externally.

When consuming pau d’arco, some people like to combine it with a small amount of lemon juice to enhance absorption.

Medicinal Uses and Benefits of Pau D’Arco Bark Powder

Pau d’arco is antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, as well as being an immune system stimulant.

Some of the compounds found in pau d’arco, called anthraquinones, have been shown to be effective at combating H. pylori and other bacteria.

Pau d’arco is best known for its use at combating fungal infections such as ringworm and candida. It is sometime used for other internal inflammatory conditions as well, including cancer.

For skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, and fungal skin infections, pau d’arco can be a beneficial herb.

Active Constituents in Pau D’Arco Bark Powder

Naphthaquinones, anthraquinones, lapachol, flavonoids, quercetin, saponins.

Notable Facts About Pau D’Arco Bark Powder

Lapachol is one of the best-known and most well studied active compounds that occurs naturally in pau d’arco. Most pau d’arco sourced from Brazil is naturally higher in lapachol than pau d’arco sourced from other countries.

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