Nettle Root (Organic)

Nettle Root (Organic)

from CA$4.99

Common Name

Nettle Root, Stinging Nettle Root

Latin Name

Urtica dioica



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What Is Nettle Root?

Nettle is an herb with a long history of herbal medicine use throughout the world. Nettle root is the root from the nettle plant. The leaf and root from nettles can both be used medicinally. Nettle root works well both on its own and when combined with other herbs.

How to Use Nettle Root (Common Uses)

Nettle root can be taken internally as a tea, powder, decoction, capsules, or extract. 

Medicinal Uses and Benefits of Nettle Root

Nettle root is generally used as a tonic for the kidneys and bladder. It is anti-inflammatory and can be found in many formulas designed to help strengthen the prostate.

Active Constituents in Nettle Root

Polysaccharides, lectin, lignans, coumarins, triterpenes, sterols, tannins, phenolic acid.